Tuesday, August 23, 2011

!!! Only...2 COSM's To Go!!!!

Yes, that's true.  There are only 2 more Central OR Saturday Markets remaining to the summer season:
Sat August 27, & the Labor Day Weekend (2 day) show both Sat & Sun Sept 3 & 4.  Show times are 10 am to 4 pm.  I sure hope to see you there.  Stop by my booth and enter my drawing to win a pair of earrings with a $15 purchace! 

Note:::: The Sat, August 27th show (next one) will be my last show offering my "Spring/Summer" work for the year.  If there was something you reeeeaaaalllly liked, Saturday's the day to purchase it!

Lots of Smiles :)))))))  Diane!

What Did I Create Today???

Hi RWJ Fans!

Hope all of you are well and having fun shopping, creating, enjoying the summer, etc!  I've been busy making more of my 'popular' Bead Dancer Pins.  Yes, they are popular people simply because they make people >>>>>>>'SMILE'>>>>>.  They are also extremely 'versatile' as a gift since they aren't as personal compared to giving a necklace set or even just earrings.  My Bead Dancer Pins can be worn on such a variety of clothing: vest, sweater, jacket, hat, purse, backpack, shawl, etc.  Annnnnddddd~~~>they are reinforced with a heavier gauge wire through their arms & legs sooooooo when you take one home (or give as a gift) you can "repose" them if you have a funnier/cuter pose.  So many times I catch folks staring at them on my display board....smiling.  As they are choosing one to purchase, sometimes I hear someone say, "I love the hair" or "that reminds me so much of so & so. I certainly does make a popular gift....according to many of my customers.  GREAT!!  So, that's why I was busy making more today.............

www.zibbet.com/RainboWireJewelry  (See my Bead Dancer Pins here!)
Smiles, Diane! 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New Zealand Paua Shell ER Are HERE!!

Hi RWJ fans,

You no longer have to wait for one of my craft shows to buy my very popular Paua Shell earrings!  Yes, you can now purchase them at my Zibbet shop!!  You'll just love how they look dangling from your ears---playing with light and their gorgeous color as you move.  I've added beads, wrapped them, added dangles, and other techneques to keep them my one-of-a-kind creations for you to enjoy wearing.  Own this beautiful jewelry accessory for yourself or as a gift surprise for someone special!

See you at my Zibbet shop!!...Diane

New Zealand Paua Shell ER
RainboWire Jewelry

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Hi RWJ Fans!!

The "Flirty Girls" took the COSM (Central OR Saturday Market) by storm today!!  My customers got a real kick out of the little flashy earrings that take front and center on my earring display board at my booth.  Just how many times did I hear, " I just love them!" or other similar expressions!  Yeah, they are popular ladies as they "kick up their heels, "strut their stuff", and --in plain words--steal the show with their c.u.t.e.s.y antics on their earring cards.  Only two remain.  I will be very busy this week providing the company they need so they can ALL get the attention they demand at the show!  ....Oh to be that POPULAR!!!
RainboWire Jewelry
"Colorful, Creative, Fun"!